Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Story of Inventions: Part 2 of n: The invention of Metal Weapons

Ramu, the Ramapithican beast had built a slinger for his little boy, who was busy shooting birds and squirrels with it.

This had given Ramu to think how to tackle the wifey animal which had suddenly come into existence. It was a warrior tribe of his- they were nomadic people, as they did not know that land had some better use of cultivation. In that era, stone arms were the panache, and they were in demand, and there was no country which could sell such weapons of mass destruction, it was all about the tribe. Ramu being the head of the tribe had all the worries of the world, as the rival tribes had been following his tribe for over a month now. Last time they fought, his tribe had to incur heavy losses of men and women's lives and cattle etcetera.

It wasn't this always, these primordial men were fighting and they had a good fight to their heart's content, and then, females of the tribe thought highly of those battles, so they too, out of sheer curiosity decided to join their comerades in the skirmishes to have a sense of contentment.

However, there was a blunder in this as Ramu noticed that more women got killed and injured in this battle of resources. It was Ramu's concern because if the women were hurt, his tribe would soon vanish. Though they barbecued the boar perfectly and that they reared the child wonderfully, apart from boosting the morales of the soldiers but they were weak in physical strength.

Moreso, there was another weakness of theirs, they talked a lot, and they could not continue with this silent gory business, and started chatting about the family and other worldly matters with their rival counterparts during the encounter, and then the males of the opposite army would hunt them down. It was a ploy to divert them, and they were succeeding at it. Ramu wondered if he could stop this chain. He tried to use women as an added force and now they were proving to be a bad strategy, as they did not enjoy fighting much, whatever be their level of attraction to glory and fame it brought. They simply did not gel into the picture.

It was a novel solution which once struck him while loitering in the meadows. It was a leisure hour and the cattle were grazing nearby, so Ramu had lots of time to kill. While roaming, he somehow came across a stone which had some stripes- colourful stripes across it. Ramu had never seen any such object in his life. So he took it and kept it with him. He showed it to one of the females of his group, who had taken his shelter as he was the ruler, and she was the most loved by him. After seeing that stone, she wished to keep it, and Ramu as usual gifted it to her. She was happy and kept it with her always.

This new and small discovery made waves in the tribe, as the maid went around showing this unique thing to her other friends who did not own this token of love of Ramu. This made other ladies of the group a bit green. It was not the stone or the love, it was the ego which pinched. One day, after the boar hunt, Ramu ordered some water and this lady went inside, keeping the stone nearby. One of the ladies saw her chance and slipped the stone to some crack of a nearby tree. The stone was lost. In the night, during the barbecue, the thief threw the stone into the fire, and the maid saw her do it, but it was too late! She gasped and flung a stone at her! And that's how started a cat fight. As there was no one at that moment, so it was a secret between these two.

Next day, both of the faces bore the bites and nail marks of fight and the scars told a lot, though they both met the others with a great sunny smile. In the ashes later that day, the girl found something which was as hard as rocks, and it shone the sun like a fireball, as if the sun had concentrated itself in the Red-yellow stone-like object. She showed it to Ramu.

Ramu at once understood the use of it- he now had the metal which was harder than the rocks, it was workable, and could be sharpened later on, and it did not yield easily. He would soon have a war with the rival tribe and make them run for their lives, avenging his recent defeat.

As for the girl, Ramu gave her another stone which she gladly hung around her neck to show off as a medal which she had earned....

(to be continued)

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Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...
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